For those who want to to support Eiyuden Chronicle, this is where to go: here
For those who want to to support Eiyuden Chronicle, this is where to go: here
I picked the yellow box, I got Viktor xd.
Thanks to Magma MK II and LaVey, both administrators of respectives Gradius Wiki and Castlevania/Contra Wiki, a Suikoden channel have been created for us on their Discord server. Thanks also to Milkandchocolate, the Discord is now directly accessible via Suikoden Wiki.
In the Discord Server, you can find many famous Konami games series, such as Castlevania, Gradius, Silent Hill, Contra, Parodius, Metal Gear, Goemon, Twin Bee and some mores, all have their proper channels to discuss about. And now Suikoden have also its own channel, so you can discuss anything related to the serie in it.
Feel free to give a go, if you feel like it. This is a nice place with a cool community!
Konami recently reupdated his Suikoden Portal Website .
The display of the site also changed a bit from the previous update.
Before the update, the last time an update was posted on the website was on June 18, 2014, when the “Best Collection” version of Suikoden I & II for PSP was made available as a free trial for PlayStation Plus subscribers in Japan. Before that, the last update was on November 21, 2012, when the “PSP the Best” version of Genso Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki was dated in Japan.
Source: Gematsu
Not sure what this sudden re-interest for the site means, but let's hope for the best.
So, you prefer italic, ok i take that in account. Thanks for the answer.
I wanted to ask something about the characters pages, Hotspot and Milkandchocolate, more particularly. I noticed some subheadings (such as background, personality, appearance...), in somes characters pages are either written in italic and in some other pages are underlined . I wanted to update them on the characters pages to maintain a certain consistency. Which one do you prefer to have for the site? In my case, I'm ok for a mix between the two, what about you?