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S5 Bernadette Portrait Bernadette
"A sailor in service of the Island Nations Federation never goes back on her word."

Bernadette is the Tenjyu Star in Suikoden V.



Bernadette is the youngest of eight siblings and the daughter of Skald Egan and her father calls her "Bern". Her older brother is Ferid Egan which make her Freyjadour Falenas and Lymsleia Falenas aunt. She is the Vice-Captain of the Island Nations Federation Navy's flagship, the Lino En Kuldes. Back in the Island Nations, she always had the stigma of being the daughter of Skald Egan.



A serious and down-to-earth young woman in a wild and adventurous family. She appears to be reluctant to allow the Prince to help her out during the Lighthouse incident on Nirva island, deeming it inappropriate of a foreign Prince to help in foreign affairs. However, eventually she allows him and his party to help (after her father's usual mind games) and is thankful. Bernadette is a brave and independent young woman, showing her own personal honour as she agrees to fight alongside the Prince's army as a substitute for the Island Federation's ambassador.



During the Sun Rune War, upon meeting the Island Nations Federation's ambassador on Nirva Island, Freyjadour met Bernadette along with Skald Egan. While they're transacting their negotiations, there was a commotion about Skald's unit arrival in Nirva Island, which caused the pirates to panic because they thought Skald's unit came to round them up. The pirates then barricaded themselves in the lighthouse demanding Skald's unit to leave the island immediately or they will burn the lighthouse.

And because her father do his mind game on her, Bernadette played right into his hands and decided to fix the problem herself. When Freyjadour offered to help, Bernadette protested because she believed that it was an Island Nation's affair, so they couldn't ask for help from a Prince of a foreign country.

Skald replied and told her that it would be rude if Bernadette refuse the offer because Freyjadour requested it. In the end Bernadette accepted Freyjadour's help and they headed over the lighthouse. They managed to defeat the pirate and Bernadette thanked Freyjadour for his help. Eventually Bernadette fell again to her father mind game and ended up helping and joining the Loyalist Army.

When Bernadette went back to Nirva Island with Freyjadour, they saw a group of Obel Soldiers discussing about a child, Sey, held as a hostage by some pirates. The pirates were demanding to release their captain, the one they captured in the great lighthouse. Freyjadour and Bernadette decided to save the child without the Obel soldier's approval and they asked for Chisato's help. With Bernadette's quick thinking and Chisato voice talent, they successfully rescued the child.

Later Bernadette and Freyjadour met Yahr and Nelis on Nirva Island. They board the Elemark and, during their voyage, they went to the Ship Graveyard and destroyed a rune cannon. After the war, she returned to the Island Nations Federation, to take the post as Vice-Captain and being annoyed by her father's perpetual mind games.

Role in the Game[]

Joins automatically during the events in Nirva Island.

Bernadette is a mage that can fight. She's a good long-range fighter with the defensive scores and medium armor necessary to survive a good hit.

  • Head - Gained at Lv. 40
  • R. Hand - Gained at Lv. 1
  • L. Hand - Flowing Rune

Default Equipment
Head -
Body Military Uniform
Hand -
Foot Boots
Other 1 Rare Cheesecake
Other 2 Mega Medicine
Other 3 -
Other 4 -

Recommended Equipment
Head -
Body -
Hand -
Foot -
Other 1 -
Other 2 -
Other 3 -
Other 4 -

  • Head - Medium
  • Body - Chain
  • Hand - Medium
  • Foot - Medium

Character Statistics
HP 715
LVL 1 9
LVL 2 9
LVL 3 7
LVL 4 4
LVL 99 EXP 999
ATK 449 MAG 688
PDF 94 MDF 495
TEC 298 ACC 298
EVA 400 SPD 302
LCK 100

Weapon Type: Throwing Knife
Weapon Range: L
Weapon Starting Level: 1

Weapon Growth
Name Het-Heru Nebt-Het Ast
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Strength 20 30 45 60 80 100 120 135 145 160 170 185 210 220 230 245

Bernadette can participate in Island Storm.

Character Skills
Name Max Rank
Stamina C
Attack B
Defense B
Technique B
Vitality C
Agility B

Character Skills
Name Max Rank
Magic A
Magic Defense A
Incantation A

Character Skills
Name Max Rank
Divine Right S
Sacred Oath A

Bernadette can lead an archery unit on land and an archer ship at sea. She gives her unit one use of the Flowing Rune spell.

  1. Bernadette's the daughter of Admiral Skald Egan, the one in charge of the Island Nations Federation Fleet. She's also the Vice-Captain of the flagship, the Lino En Kuldes.
  2. She looks more like Admiral Egan's grandchild than his daughter, being the youngest of eight siblings and all. Her siblings are soldiers, explorers and shipping agents. Some she keeps in touch with. Others, not so much.
  3. Georg once said she was in a position similar to Sialeeds. What do you suppose he meant by that?

  • An Apology

While my father offers his support to Your Highness, he intends to attend the coronation. Please try to understand. From an official standpoint, it simply would not do for the Island Nations to refuse the invitation. We ask that you remember our wholehearted support for Your Highness.

  • Coronation Ceremony

My father sent this letter from the Sun Palace: 'Even though the whole thing was a boring farce, just seeing His Highness' sister made it worth the trip here. Such elegance, majesty and beauty at such a young age! I don't doubt she'll be a great Queen, just like her mother. Bern, you have to do everything you can to help the Prince, so she'll be a true Queen someday soon, not just a puppet.' Not bad for my father, I guess, although most of it goes without saying.

  • The Beavers
Although they might get angry if I say it, I think they're cute. There's a race in the Island Nations called Nay-Kobolds. They're really cute, too. I'll show Your Highness someday.


Suikoden V
108 Stars
of Destiny
(except in Major Battles)
LucretiaRajaBozLuserinaChuckTalgeylTomaSilvaWasilVolgaOrokFuwalafuwaluCraigYoranShulaSairohEgbertShinroTakamuNordenOboroFuyoMarinaWilhelmMuellerBabbageBastanZundaMohsenMuradTaylorLinfaDongoRetsoShun MinChisatoHaswarRaniaHalethEuram
(not counted as a Star of Destiny)
Temporary Playable
House of Godwin
GizelMarscalDilberZahhakAleniaJidan GuisuMahaDolphChilderichBahram
ElemarkKhorshedHaladHinoyagiKayanuRoundierRovereTakefuteJinkuDe BeersRosalindFalzrahmKaussShahrewarOlhazetaSalumJalatMr. MouseCrimsonHiram
Sol-FalenaLordlakeRaftfleetHaudRainwallStormfistDoraatBeaver LodgeGordiusSableNirva IslandLelcarSauronix
Queendom of FalenaNew Armes Kingdom
House of GodwinHouse of BarowsHouse of Falenas
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