Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia

The Black Urn (くろいつぼ; Kuroi Tsubo, sometimes written using the kanji 黒いつぼ) is an item in the Suikoden series.


A beautiful pot with black luster. It has a meticulously smooth feeling, and is an incredibly popular antique. It is sold for the high price of 20,000 potch in the Toran Republic and 40,000 potch in the Dunan Republic.


Type Antique (Vase)
Usage Place in Bathhouse
Sell 20,000 potch
Dropped by Hawk Man
Find N/A

Suikoden II[]

Type Antique (Vase)
Usage Place in Bathhouse
Sell 20,000 potch
Dropped by Spiker
Trading N/A
Find N/A

