Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia

Crystalized Paralytic (痺結晶) is a resource found in Genso Suikoden: The Woven Web of a Century. It can be used at various workshops at the headquarters.


Description A crystalline stone that gives off a dull light. When ground, it becomes the ingredient for a paralytic agent.
Price 300
Dropped by Wasp Breeder, Unicorn Tiger, Baihu, Tricorn Tiger, Durable Tiger
Sold in Taxis (West)
Found None
Used in Standstill Curse Stone (膠着の呪石), The Fool Curse Stone (愚者の呪石), Smelling Salts (気付け薬), Paralysis Preventing Armor (マヒ封じの鎧)


  • The Japanese name is 痺結晶. 痺 means numb or paralyzed. A paralytic is something that can cause paralysis.

