The DoReMi Elves are a group of characters in Suikoden V.
They originally appear as enemies, however, with the use of the DoReMi Rune, the Conductor Cornelio has tamed them and started a DoReMi Elf Orchestra. But during a visit to Haud Village after setting up headquarters at Lord Barows Mansion, the Prince was attacked by the DoReMi Elves and after defeating them, they fleed and where scattered across Falena. Enraged, Cornelio forced the Prince to retrieve and capture back the elves. After this was done, Cornelio could perform any song from Suikoden V that the player has heard. In the future Cornelio wants to create a one thousand member DoReMi Elf Orchestra.
- ReMiFa: In Haud, when Cornelio joins. If you accidentally kill it, it will be on the forest at north of Estrise.
- SoLaTi: In the Mountain Path, between Yashuna and Beaver Lodge.
- FaSoLa: In the forests southeast of Rainwall near the bend in the river.
- MiFaSo: In the forests slight north of the path between Lelcar and Doraat.
- LaTiDo: In Twilight Forest.
- The DoReMi Elves originally appeared in Suikoden II.