Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia

If you sell your items on any item/equipment shop. They will cut the price to 50%.

Head Gear[]


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Bandana defense +1 Create by Phil. Any item shop. 80 40
Gale Bandana defense + Create by Phil. -
Pirate Bandana Part of Pirate Set, defense +7 Create by Phil. 1,300 650


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Circlet defense +3
Materials:Ore x1, Skin x1
Create by Adrienne. 120 60
Gold Circlet defense +12
Materials: Normal Gold Ore x2, Feather x2
Create by Adrienne. 4,800 2,400
Mystical Circlet More resistance to silnce, defense +28, magic +20, magic defense +20 - 2,000
Silver Circlet defense +8
Materials:Normal Silver Ore x2
Na-Nal Armor Shop. Create by Adrienne. 2,000 1,000


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Ivory Crown defense +?
Materials: Good Gold Ore x2, Dragon's Bone x1
Win Lottery first prize. - 14,000
Mermaid Crown Part of Mermaid set defense +28, magic +10
Materials:Platinum x1, Pearl Shell x1
Create by Adrienne. - 12,000
Pirate King Crown Part of Pirate King set defense +35, strength +5, skill +5 Win Lottery first prize. - 14,000


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Cotton Hat defense +5 Create by Phil. - 175
Feather Hat defense +5, evasion +2, speed +2 Create by Phil. 800 400
Goblin Court Hat Part of Goblin Set defense +25, magic +6, speed +4 Create by Phil. - 8,000
Hat of Wisdom defense +18, magic +15 Create by Phil. - 4,250
Linen Hat defense +5 Create by Phil. - 250
Magical Hat Part of Magic Set defense +7, magic +3, magic defense +4 Create by Phil. Middleport Armor Shop. 3,000 1,500
Nay-Kobold Hat defense +14, luck +4 Create by Phil. Middleport Armor Shop. 3,800 1,900
Pointy Hat defense +4 Create by Phil. - 125
Noble's Hat Part of Noble set, defense +16, luck +16 Create by Phil. - 4,750
Silk Hat defense + Create by Phil. -
Unicorn Hat defense + Create by Phil. -
Wool Hat defense +6 Create by Phil. Na-Nal Armor Shop. 700 350

Head Piece[]

Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Dragon Head Piece defense +19, skill +4, speed +4
Materials: Good Silver Ore x2, Dragon's Bone x1
Create by Adrienne - 4,000
Ninja Head Piece defense + Create by Phil. -


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Diamond Helm Part of Diamond Set, defense +25
Materials: Diamond x2
Create by Adrienne. - 6,000
Gold Helm defense +14
Materials:Good Gold Ore x2
Razril Armor Shop. Create by Adrienne. 6,500 3,250
Horn Helm defense +12, strength +5
Materials: Good Iron Orex2, Unicorn's Horn x1
Created by Adrienne. - 4,000
Iron Helm defense +5
Materials:Normal Iron Ore x2
Create by Adrienne. 500 250
Leather Helm defense +2
Materials: Bad Iron Ore x1, Skin x1
Create by Adrienne. 120 60
Ogre Helm Part of Ogre set, defense +10, str +8
Materials: Good Gold Ore x2, Giant Crab's Shell x1
Create by Adrienne. - 6,500
Platinum Helm Part of Platinum Set, defense +20
Materials: Platinum x2
Razril Armor Shop. Create by Adrienne. 8,000 4,000
Silver Helm defense +10
Materials:Good Silver Ore x2
Middleport Armor Shop. Create by Adrienne. 5,250 2,625
Wing Helm Part of Wingset, defense +8, speed +4, skill +4
Materials:Normal Iron Ore x2, Giant Bird's Feather x1
Create by Adrienne. - 3,000


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Bone Helmet defense +3
Materials:Bad Iron Ore x1, Bone x2
Create by Adrienne. - 175
Dragon Helmet defense +?
Materials:Good Iron Ore x2, Dragon Scale x1
Create by Adrienne. -


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Cat Mask defense +?
Materials: Platinum x1, Frog's Skin x1
Created by Adrienne. -
Fur Mask defense +3 Created by Phil. - 75
Gold Mask defense +12
Materials:Good Gold Ore x2, shell x10
Create by Adrienne. - 3,750
Warrior Mask Part of Warrior Set, defense +13, strength +2, skill +2
Materials: Good Iron Ore x2, Giant Crab's Shell x1
Created by Adrienne. - 4,250


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Gold Necklace defense +?
Materials:Good Gold Silver x2
Create by Adrienne. - 2,625
Necklace defense +6
Materials: Normal Iron Ore x1, Skin x2
Create by Adrienne. - 200
Silver Necklace defense +10
Materials:Normal Silver Ore x2, Skin x10
Create by Adrienne. - 1,250


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Feather Trinket defense +3, evasion+2, speed +2
Materials:Bad Gold Ore x1, Feather x1
Create by Adrienne. - 175
Forehead Guard defense +2
Materials:Bad Iron Ore x1
Create by Adrienne. 120 60
Master's Headband Part of Master set, defense + Create by Phil. -
Ribbon defense + Create by Phil. -
Venus Comb Part of Venus Set, defense +32, magic +8
Materials: Diamond x1, Pearl Shell x1
Create by Adrienne. - 11,000

Body Gear[]


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Bone Armor defense +14
Materials: Bad Iron Ore x2, Bone x2
Create by Adrienne. -
Crab Armor defense +10
Materials: Bad Silver Ore x2, Giant Crab's Shell x2
Create by Adrienne. -
Dragon Armor defense +?
Materials: Good Iron Ore x4, Dragon Scale x2
Create by Adrienne. -
Dragon Bone Armor defense +53, magic +5, magic defense +10
Materials: Diamond x2, Dragon's Bone x2
Create by Adrienne. -
General Armor defense +?
Materials: Good Silver Ore x15, Feather x10
Create by Adrienne. -
Ginkaku Armor defense +?
Materials: Gold Silver Ore x10, Unicorn's Horn x2
Create by Adrienne. -
Great Earth Armor Increases earth resistance, defense +43
Matereials: Good SIlver Ore x4, Bone x20
Create by Adrienne. - 10,500
Hero's Armor Part of Hero's set, defense +58, strength +5, skill +5, magic +5, evasion +5, magic defense +5, speed +5,luck +5 - 30,000
Holy Armor defense +54, attack +10, strength +10, speed+10
Materials: Platinum x2, Dragon Scale x2
Create by Adrienne. -
Kinkaku Armor defense +?
Materials: Gold Gold Ore x10, Unicorn's Horn x2
Create by Adrienne. -
Leather Armor defense +4
Materials:Bad Iron Ore x1, Skin x1
Create by Adrienne 250 125
Mythical Armor defense +?
Materials: Platinum x4, Unicorn's Horn x2
Create by Adrienne. -
Night Armor defense +?
Materials: Good Iron Ore x15, Scale x10
Create by Adrienne. -
Pirate Armor Part of Pirate set, defense +23, strength +2, skill +2
Materials: Normal Silver Ore x4, Giant Crab's Shell x1
Middleport Armor Shop. Create By Adrienne. 6,500 3,250
Rock Armor defense +?
Materials: Normal Gold Ore x4, Pearl shell x1
Create by Adrienne. -
S Dragon Armor defense +?
Materials: Good Silver Ore x4, Dragon Scale x2
Create by Adrienne. -
Shell Armor defense +12
Materials: Bad Gold Ore x2, Sea shell x2
Create by Adrienne. -
Splint Armor defense +15
Materials: Bad Silver Ore x1, Feather x1
Create by Adrienne. -
Thorn Armor defense +?
Materials: Bad Silver Ore x1, Horn x1
Create by Adrienne. -
Venus Armor Part of Venus set, defense +50, strength +10, skill +5
Materials:Diamond x2, Pearl Shell x2
Create by Adrienne. - 25,000
Warrior Armor defense +?
Materials: Good Iron Ore x4, Giant Crab's Shell x2
Create by Adrienne. -
Wind-Spun Armor defense +?
Materials: Gold Gold Ore x4, Giant's Bird Feather x2
Create by Adrienne. -


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Gold Chain defense +24
Materials: Normal Gold Ore x4
Razril Armor Shop. Create by Adrienne 5,400 2,700
Silver Chain defense +20
Materials: Normal Silevr Ore x4
Na-Nal Armor Shop. Create by Adrienne. 3,600 1,800


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Red Loin Cloth More easily targetted, defense +30, luck +10, Create by Phil. - 5,500
Wool Loin Cloth defense +11, luck +5 Create by Phil. 700 350


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Goblin Over Coat defense +49, magic +5, evasion +10 Create by Phil. - 20,000
Happi Coat defense +10 Create by Phil. 600 300
Phantasmal Coat defense +43, evasion +50 Create by Phil. - 13,000


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Guardian Garbs Part of Guardian set, defense +55, magic +10, magic defense +20 - 29,000
Martial Arts Garb defense +3 Create by Phil. - 60
Master's Garb defense +48, attack +15, strength +15, skill +15
Materials: Platinum x2, Giant Bird's Feather x2
Create by Adrienne. -
Ninja Garbs Part of Ninja set, defense +25, evasion +5, speed +15 Create by Phil. - 6,500
Noble Garb Part of Noble set, defense +36, luck +5 Create by Phil. - 8,000
Tai Chi Garb defense +24, speed +10 Create by Phil. Razril Armor Shop. 10,000 5,000
Thunder God's Garb Boost thunder resistance, defense +22, magic defense +2, magic +1 Create by Phil. Middleport bargain Armor Shop. 5,000 2,500


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Chain Mail defense +7
Materials:Bad Iron Ore x3
Create by Adrienne. 350 175
Diamond Mail defense +?
Materials:Diamond x4
Create by Adrienne. -
Gold Mail defense +32
Materials: Good Gold Ore x4
Create by Adrienne. - 6,000
Ogre Mail defense +25, attack +30, strength +30
Materials: Good Gold Ore x4; Giant's Crab Shell x2
Create by Adrienne.
Iron Mail defense +18
Materials:Normal Iron Ore x2
Create by Adrienne. 1,600 800
Platinum Mail Part of Platinum set, defense +50
Materials:Platinum x4
Razril Armor Shop. Create By Adrienne. 23,000 11,500
Scale Mail defense +16, magic defense +2
Materials: Normal Iro Ore x1, Scale x2
Create by Adrienne. - 850
Silver Mail defense +26
Materials: Good Silver Ore x4
Middleport Armor Shop. Create by Adrienne. 8,800 4,400
Wing Mail defense +?
Materials: Normal Iron Ore x4, Giant Bird's Feather x1
Create by Adrienne. - 6,000


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Cotton Robe defense +6 Create by Phil. 350 175
Feather Robe defense +18, Evasion +4, speed +2 Create by Phil. Middleport Armor Shop. 3,800 1,650
Guard Robe defense +5, magic defense +2 Create by Phil. 300 150
Ivory Robe Part of Ivory set, defense +36, magic +4, magic defense +4 Create by Phil. - 9,500
Linen Robe defense +13 Create by Phil. - 900
Magic Robe Part of Magic set, defense +18, magic +4, magic defense +5 Create by Phil. - 2,100
Master's Robe defense + Create by Phil. -
Mermaid Robe Part of Mermaid set, defense +58, evasion +5 Create by Phil. - 23,500
Robe defense +2 Create by Phil. 120 60
Robe of the Dead defense +30, strength +50, Skill +50, Magic +30 Create by Phil.` - 9,000
Silk Robe Part of Silk Set, defense +34 Create by Phil. - 7,250
Unicorn Robe Part of Unicorn Set. Create by Phil. - 22,500
Wool Robe defense +17 Create by Phil. Na-Nal Armor Shop. 2,600 1,300


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Battle Suit defense +22, strength +2, attack +2
Materials: Silver Ore x4, Skin x4
Create by Adrienne. 2,100 1,050
Bondage Suit defense +52, magic defense +8
Materials: Diamond x2, Frog SKin x2
Create by Adrienne.


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Master's Vest defense + Create by Phil. -
Pirate King Vest Part of Pirate King set, defense +74, strength +5, skill +5, speed +5 - 27,500
Wool Vest defense +15 Create by Phil. Na-Nal Armor Shop. 2,100 1,050


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Ancient Vestment defense + Create by Phil. -
Corset defense +12
Materials: Bad Gold Ore x2
Create by Adrienne. 800 400
Linen Outfit defense +14 Create by Phil. 1,500 750
Needle Sash defense +4
Materials: Bad Iron Ore x1, Horn x1
Create by Adrienne. 250 125
One-Pice Dress defense +13, Magic Defense +2 Create by Phil. 1,400 700
Party Dress defense + Create by Phil. -
Stomach Band defense +2 Create by Phil. 150 75
Tunic defense +2 Create by Phil. 120 60

Hand Gear[]


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Ivory Bracelet Part of Ivory set defense +20, skill +1 7,000
Mermaid Bracelet Part of Mermaid set defense +28, magic +1, evasion +1, magic defense +1, speed +1 - 11,500
Unicorn Bracelet Part of Unicorn set. 11,500


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Pirate Bracers Part of Pirate set, defense +12, strength +2
Materials: Normal Silver Ore x2, Giant Crab's Shell x1
Middleport Armor Shop. Create by Adrienne 2,700 1,350
Gold Bracers defense +14
Materials: Normal Gold ore x2
Razril Armor Shop. Create by Adrienne 4,000 2,000
Ninja Bracers defense + Create by Phil. -
Silver Bracers defense +10
Materials: Normal Silver Ore x2
Na-Nal Armor Shop. Create by Adrienne 3,000 1,500
Warrior Bracers Part of Warrior set, defense +20, skill +2
Materials: Good Iron Ore x2, Giant Crabs's Shell x1
Razril Armor Shop. Create Bracers 8,800 4,400


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Bondage Gloves defense +25, magic +4, speed +4, luck +2 - 10,000
Gloves defense +1 Create by Phil. 120 60
Leather Gloves defense +3
Materials: Bad Iron Ore x1, Skin x1
Create by Adrienne. 180 90
Long Gloves defense +20 Create by Phil. 9,000 4,500
Noble's Gloves Part of Noble set, defense +18, eavsion +3, speed +3 Create by Phil. Middleport Armor Shop. 8,500 4,250
Paw Gloves defense +16, magic +2, magic defense +2, luck +2 Create by Phil. Middleport and Na-Nal bargain Armor Shop. 5,000 2,500
Power Gloves defense +8, strength +5 Create by Phil. - 4,100
Silk Gloves defense + Create by Phil. -
Venus Gloves Part of Venus set, defense +32, magic +2, magic defense +2, evasion +5 Create by Phil. - 12,000


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Magic Hand Part of Magic Set, defense +12, magic +2, magic defense +4 Create by Phil. - 1,200
God Hand Hand gear boost chance of countering, defense +30, strength +10, skill +10 Treasure Hunting - 20,000


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Cotton Mittens defense +2, Magic defense +1 Create by Phil. 180 90
Mittens defense +1, Magic defense +1 Create by Phil. 120 60
Wool Mittens defense +6, Magic defense +1 Create by Phil. 500 250


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Bone Shield defense +5
Materials: Bad Iron Ore x1, Bone x1
Create by Adrienne -
Diamond Shield Part of Diamond set, defense +28 Razril Armor Shop. 16,000 8,000
Dragon Shield Part of Dragon set, defense +16, strength +2, evasion +2
Materials: Good Iron Ore x2, Dragon Scale x1
Create by Adrienne - 2,000
Gold Shield defense +20
Materials: Good Gold Ore x2
Razril Armor Shop. Create by Adrienne 7,500 3,750
Hero's Shield Part of Hero's set, defense +40, strength +2 skill +2, magic +2, magic defense +2, luck +2, skill +2,evasion +2, speed +2 - 15,000
Iron Shield defense +9, evasion +1
Materials: Normal Iron Ore x2
Create by Adrienne 350 175
Kite Shield defense +12, evasion +1
Materials: Normal Iron Ore x1, Feather x2
Create by Adrienne 3,500 1,750
Platinum Shield Part of Platinum set, defense +24 - 5,500
Scale Shield defense +4, evasion +1
Materials: Bad Iron Ore x1, Scale x1
Create by Adrienne 250 125
Shell Shield defense +7, strength +1
Materials: Bad Gold Ore x1, Shell x1
Create by Adrienne 300 150
Silver Shield defense +?
Materials: Good Silver Ore x2
Create by Adrienne - -
Wing Shield defense +11, speed +4
Materials: Normal Iron Ore x2, Giant's Bird Feather x1
Create by Adrienne - 1,250


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Mater's Wristbands defense + Create by Phil. -
Wristbands defense +2, magic defense +1 Create by Phil. 250 125


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Bangle defense +4, evasion +1, magic defense +1
Materials: Bad Silver Ore x2
Create by Adrienne 250 175
Gauntlet defense +6
Materials: Normal Iron Ore x1, Skin x1
Create by Adrienne 280 140
Goblin's Beads defense + Create by Phil. -
Ogre Breath Part of Ogre set, defense +15. strength +5, skill +2 - 9,500

Foot Gear[]


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Anklet defense +3, evasion +1, magic defense +1 Create by Adrienne 400 200
Gold Anklet defense +12, magic +2 1,700 850
Silver Anklet defense +8 Razril Armor Shop. 820 410
Venus Anklet Part of Venus set, defense +20 - 7,000


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Gold Boots defense +18 Razril Armor Shop. 7,000 3,500
Leather Boots defense +3 180 90
Iron Boots defense +6 500 250
Pirate Boots Part of Pirate set, defense +12, evasion +3 Middleport Armor Shop. 2,000 1,000
Platinum Boots Part of Platinum set, defense +20 Razril Armor Shop. 8,400 4,200
Silver Boots defense +? Middleport Armor Shop. 2,300 1,150
Wing Boots Part of Wing set, defense +10, evasion +4, speed +4 1,400 700


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Ivory Sandals defense + Create by Phil. -
Magic Sandals Part of Magic set, defense +12, magic +5 magic defense +1 Create by Phil. Middleport Armor Shop. 2,200 1,100
Mermaid Sandals Part of Mermaid set, defense +20, evasion +2, magic defense +5 Create by Phil. - 6,500
Sandals defense +1 Create by Phil. 70 35
Shell Sandals defense +4, magic defense +2, speed +2 Create by Phil. 600 300


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Cotton Shoes defense +5 Create by Phil. - 190
Feather Shoes defense +7, evasion +1, speed +1 Create by Phil. - 600
Fur Shoes defense +2 Create by Phil. - 85
Hero's Shoes Part of Hero's set, defense +25, strength +2, skill +2, magic +2, magic defense +2,evasion +2, speed +2, luck +2 - 9,000
Linen Shoes defense +6, magic defense +1 Create by Phil. - 440
Master's Shoes defense + Create by Phil. -
Noble Shoes Part of Noble set, defense +16, luck +4 Create by Phil. 7,100 3,050
Paw Shoes defense +14, magic defense +3, luck +3 Create by Phil. 3,000 1,500
Shoes defense +2 Create by Phil. 120 60
Silk Shoes Part of Silk set, defense +14 Create by Phil. Raril Armor Shop. 5,500 2,750
Thief Shoes defense +3, evasion +5, speed +5 Create by Phil. - 400
Wool Shoes defense +9, magic defense +1 Create by Phil. - 500


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Goblin Clogs Part of Goblin set, defense +18, skill +2, evasion +2 Create by Phil. - 4,150
Knee Socks defense +? Create by Phil. 350 175
Leg Armor defense +7 Na-Nal Armor Shop. 700 350
Ninja Leggings defense + Create by Phil. -
Shin Guard defense +4, evasion +1 400 200
Spiked Heels Part of Bondage set, defense +18, strength +4, skill +2, magic +2 8,250 4,125



Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Flame Amulet Increases resistance to fire, defense +3, strength +5 Create by Any Mermaids. - 1,100
Thunder Amulet Increase accuracy and thunder resistance, defense +3 Create by Any Mermaids. 2,100 1,100
Water Amulet Increase magic defense and water resistance, defense +3 Create by Any Mermaids. 2,200 1,100
Wind Amulet Increase speed and wind resistance, defense +3, speed +5 Create by Any Mermaids. 2,200 1,100
Wooden Amulet defense +5, luck +10 Hand made by Rita, Noah and Rene. They will give it to Razro night before the final battle. - -


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Cape defense +5, evasion +1, magic defense +1 Create by Any Mermaids. - 300
Fur Cape defense +9, evasion +2, magic defense +2 Create by Any Mermaids. 2,500 1,250


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Counter Ring Increase chance of countering, defense +3, skill +5 Create by Any Mermaids. 20,000 10,000
Earth Magic Ring defense + Create by Any Mermaids. -
Fire Magic Ring Increase strength and Fire magic attack, defense +3, strength +5 Create by Any Mermaids. 20,000 10,000
Guard Ring Increase physical and magic defense level, defense +5, magic defense +5 Create by Any Mermaids. 2,000 1,000
Lucky Ring Increase luck, defense +3, luck +15 Create by Any Mermaids. Na-Nal Armor Shop. 20,000 10,000
Magic Ring Increase magic power and defense level, defense +3, magic +15, magic defense +5 Create by Any Mermaids. 20,000 10,000
Pearl Ring defense +8, magic +2, magic defense +2 Create by Any Mermaids. 7,000 3,500
Power Ring Increase strength, defense +3, strength +15 Create by Any Mermaids. Razril Equipment/Item Shop. 20,000 10,000
Speed Ring Increase speed, defense +3, speed +15 Create by Any Mermaids. Na-Nal Armor Shop. 20,000 10,000
Thunder Magic Ring defense + Create by Any Mermaids. - 10,000
Water Magic Ring Increase water magic attack, defense +3 Create by Any Mermaids. 20,000 10,000
Wind magic Ring Increase speed and wind magic attack, defense +3, speed +5 Create by Any Mermaids. - 10,000


Item Name Description Found in Buying Price Selling Price
Blue Ribbon defense +9 0 0
Gold Emblem defense + Create by Any Mermaids. -
Lottery Ticket Allows you to play the lottery once, luck +1 - - 25
Magic Canceller Nollify magic once per battle, defense +3 Create by Any Mermaids. - 2,500
Pearl Bracelet defense +10, magic +8, magic defense +2 Create by Any Mermaids. - 4,000
Rose Crest Proof of friendship, skill +20 None None
Pearl Necklace defense +10, magic +4, magicdefense +2 Create by Any Mermaids. - 5,000
Star Earrings Recover HP every turn, defense +1 0 0
Strength Sash Increase physical attack power, strength +5, defense +3 0 0
Suikoden IV
AkaghiAldoAmeriaAxelBartholomewChampoCharlemagneChiepooDarioEugeneFlareFredericaGauGretchenHelgaHelmutHerveyIzakJeaneJeremyJewelKarlKatarinaKateKenethKikaKonradLino En KuldesLo FongLo HakLo SengMaxineMillayMitsubaMizukiNalkulOrnanPabloPaulaRachelRazroReinbach IIIReinholdRitaSelmaShiramineSigurdSnoweTalTedTravisTrishtanUgetsuVikiWarlockWendel
Glen CottLeknaat
Graham Cray's SonQueen of ObelRakgi's FatherAncient ElfReinbach IIVincentChief of Na-Nal
RazrilMiddleportKingdom of ObelNay IslandNa-NalPirate's NestIluyaHermitage IslandRuins of Obel
Small Island
Mordo IslandDonut IslandMountain Mass IslandLime Shelf IslandDeserted Island
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Rune CannonTrue RunesForgiveness PhaseKindling Ritual
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