Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia
SS Failure Urn

Suikoden III Failure Urn

The Failure Urn (失敗のつぼ; Shippai no Tsubo) is an item in the Suikoden series.


It is a failed product that has become deformed or changed colors due to a mistake in the manufacturing process. They are usually quoted dirt cheap for about 10-20 potch, but in the Kobold Village, the unconventional shapes and colors have become popular and it sells for around 330 potch.


Type Antique (Vase)
Usage Place in Bathhouse
Sell 10 potch
Dropped by BonBon, Robot Soldier, Slot Man, Hawk Man, Larvae, Empire Soldier
Find N/A

Suikoden II[]

Type Antique (Vase)
Usage Place in Bathhouse
Sell 10 potch
Dropped by BonBon, Armadilloid, Spiker, Leathercut, Zombie, Highlands
Trading Trade Shop (Kobold Village)
Find Rope Climbing minigame

Suikoden III[]

Type Antique (Vase)
Usage On the top of the Cabinet in Budehuc Castle
Sell 30 potch
Dropped by Furfly, Banshee, Bandit
Find N/A

See also[]

