Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia

Flame Stone (炎石) is a resource found in Genso Suikoden: The Woven Web of a Century. It is a stone that contains a flame element.


Price 150
Dropped by Torch Bat, Fire Eagle, Wolven Flame, Minor Efreet, Major Efreet, Fervor Spirit, Red Dragon
Sold in Telbe Village, Shuraat, Fair Peak, Goog Lewon, Martyrion, Bayan Oasis, Akrites, Port City Navarre, Taxis
Found Mt. Pregate (Present)
Used in Blaze Magic Stone (火炎の魔石), Assassin's Dagger Magic Stone (凶刃の魔石), Flame Arrow (炎の矢), Flame Blade (炎の刃), Fire Proof Armor (防火鎧),

