Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho (Japanese: 幻想水滸伝 幻想真書; Romaji: Gensōsuikoden Gensō Shinsho) is a series of books published in Japan that include data and art, and was officially endorsed by Konami. The books were published by Shinkigensha from July 19, 2000 - July 30, 2004. The books were released quarterly and reached up to 16 Volumes. The Volume 1 - Volume 13 officially appeared on Genso Suikoden Card Stories Card Complete Book, page 190 and 191. [2]
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.1: Summer 2000
- Cover and Feature: Double Leader - Tir McDohl and Riou
- Feature: The Silverberg Family
- Genso Investigations: Luc and Sasarai
- Genso Wanderer's Notebook: Gregminster
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.2: Fall 2000
- Cover and Feature: Characters that support the leaders - Ted, Gremio, Jowy Atreides, Nanami
- Genso Investigations: The 27 True Runes
- Genso Wanderer's Notebook: Kyaro Town and the surrounding area
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.3: Winter 2000
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.4: Spring 2001
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.5: Summer 2001
- Cover and Feature: The Highland Army - Luca Blight, Jillia Blight, Seed, Culgan, Kiba Windamier, Klaus Windamier, Solon Jhee, Han Cunningham, Rowd
- Genso Wanderer's Notebook: The area around Scarleticia inlcuding Antei, Teien, and Rikon
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.6: Fall 2001
- History of Genso Suikoden
- Cover and Feature: Nash Latkje
- Genso Wanderer's Notebook: Two River City
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.7: Winter 2002
- Cover: Tir McDohl, Riou, Nash Latkje, Hugo (Suikoden III), Chris Lightfellow, Geddoe
- Special Feature: Luc, Futch, Sasuke, Connell, Templeton
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.8: Spring 2002
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.9: Summer 2002
- Feature: Suikoden III Prestory for the main characters, Hugo's scripts
- Support Characters & Guest Characters
- Genso Famous Scenes: Theme: Suikoden II Sorrow
- Genso Wanderer's Notebook: Tinto and the surrounding area
- Genso Weapons Dictionary: Axes
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.10: Fall 2002
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.11: Winter
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.12: Spring 2003
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.13: Summer 2003
- Special Feature: The friends that support Hugo
- Special Feature: The Narcissists
- Dialogue for all characters after the events at the Ceremonial Site
- Genso Weapons Dictionary: Staffs
- Card Stories Card Maniac Files
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.14
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.15
- Genso Suikoden Genso Shinsho Vol.16: Summer 2004
- Special Feature: Suikoden IV
- Special Feature: Thomas and his friends