Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia

Gregminster (グレッグミンスター; Guregguminsutā) is a location in Suikoden and Suikoden II.


Greminster is the largest city in the Toran Republic, with a population of 19,000. Originally a city called the Holy City of Rupanda, located in Holy Kingdom of Harmonia, it was renamed Gregminster following the establishment of the Scarlet Moon Empire by Kranach Rugner in Solar Year 230.

For the next 230 years, until the fall of the Empire, it served as the central hub of the nation.

The current Gregminster was rebuilt by the 17th Emperor, Barbarossa Rugner (also known as the Golden Emperor), after it was destroyed during the Succession War in the Solar Calendar year 446. In the past, many high-ranking imperial officials resided in the capital, and due to its historical background, the residents of this city have held a slight sense of superiority over other regions.

The city is renowned for its flourishing commerce, with notable specialties including artworks and pottery, which are actively produced. These industries thrived under protective policies implemented by Emperor Barbarossa.

At the center of the city stands the "Golden Goddess Statue" adorning the central fountain, a masterpiece created by the renowned artisan Basil. It is said to bear the likeness of Emperor Barbarossa Rugner’s late wife, Claudia.

After the Toran Liberation War broke out due to political corruption and the 230-year-old Scarlet Moon Empire collapsed, the Toran Republic was founded. Gregminster became the capital of the new republic. Under President Lepant's leadership, it continued to thrive and evolve as a major commercial city.

As the largest city in the country, its architecture is also refined. The white walls and red doors create a striking and beautiful contrast.


People of Interest[]

Gregminster hosts the opening stages of the game and is where Tir meets many important characters for the first time.

  • Emperor Barbarosa: Palace throne room, only visible during the audience with the Emperor.
  • Windy: Palace throne room, only visible during the audience with the Emperor.
  • Kasim Hazil: Waiting room in the palace, can be spoken to before talking to Teo and after the audience.
  • Teo McDohl: Waiting room, speaking with him begins the Audience.
  • Kraze: Office in castle.
  • Kanaan: Kraze's office before Rockland assignment.
  • Futch: Castle stable.
  • Black: Castle stable.
  • Sonya Shulen: In her home north of the McDohl mansion.
  • Marie: Inn.
  • Viktor: Inn when on the run.
  • Milich Oppenheimer: The leftmost house with roses in the town.


Armor Shop - Start of the Game
Item Price Notes
Bandana 50 Defense +1
Headband 300 Defense +2
Robe 100 Defense +1
Tunic 200 Defense +2
Leather Coat 700 Defense +4
Wooden Shoes 100 Defense +1
Wing Boots 10200 Defense +14, Speed +10
Item Shop - Start of the Game
Item Price Notes
Medicine 100 Recover 100 HP.
Antitoxin 200 Cure the poison status
Armor Shop - Late Game
Item Price Notes
Silver Hat 27000 Defense +27; recover +5HP by turn
Dragon Armor 37000 Defense +34
Master's Robe 78000 Defense +37; Recover +5HP/Turn
Full Armor 57000 Defense +45
Earth Shield 68000 Defense +45
Cape of Darkness 8500 Defense +13
Guard Ring 8500 Defense +15
Item Shop - Late Game
Item Price Notes
Medicine 100 Recover 100 HP.
Mega Medicine 500 Recover 500 HP.
Sacrificial Buddha 5000 Revives character automatically if he has this item in its inventory and falls to 0 HP
Escape Talisman 500 Escape from dungeons

Suikoden II[]


Item Shop
Item Price Notes
Medicine 100 Recover 100 HP
Mega Medicine 500 Recover 500 HP
Cough Drop 200 Recover a character from the Silence status
Needle 200 Recover from balloon
Escape Talisman 500 Escape from dungeons
Flaming Arrows Scroll 700 Deals a small amount of damage to all enemies.
Fire Wall Scroll 1000 Does 150 damage to one row.
Wing Boots 10200 Rare Find, Max Stock - 1

Defense +14, Speed +10

Recipe 28 5700 Rare Find - One Time Only

Recipe for Curry Rice

Armor Shop
Item Price Notes
Head Gear 12000 Defense +14
Half Helmet 7800 Defense +10
Magic Robe 20000 Defense +22
Scale Mail 22000 Defense +28
Dragon Armor 23000 Defense +30
Guard Ring 8500 Defense +7; Magic Defense +10
Thunder Amulet 7500 Defense +9; Lightning Resistance; Hit +15%
Mangosh 6500 Rare Find, Max Stock - 1

Defense +19, Return Stab x1.5

Rune Shop
Item Price Notes
Fire Orb 6000
Lightning Orb 6000
Titan Orb 6000 A rune for two-handed sword users, attack power +30%, but user is last to attack.
Unicorn Orb 6000 A rune for Spear users. Attack 1 column of enemies, but defense drops to 0.
Gozz Orb 7000 Deals damage to one enemy.
Mother Earth Orb 16000 Rare Find, Max Stock - 1
Flowing Orb 16000 Rare Find, Max Stock - 1
Trade Shop
Item Price Range Usually


Fluctuation Restock Time


Ancient Text 14663 ~ 29337 1 2 25
Celadon Urn 7666 ~ 30671 2 3 25
Flower Painting 10664 ~ 21336 3 2 28
Native Costume 596 ~ 1005 4 2 3
Pearl 15999 ~ 24005 0 1 40
Persian Lamp 10662 ~ 21335 0 2 50
Red Pepper 1175 ~ 2942 4 3 5
Soy Sauce 676 ~ 852 5 1 3
Wine 434 ~ 655 3 1 4
Wooden Amulet 200 ~ 803 3 3 4

People of Interest[]

The Palace Throne room contains President Lepant, his wife Eileen, Alen, Grenseal, and Tesla. Valeria and Kasumi enter here when Riou is offered a choice of who to recruit, as well. You can also see Lotte who has taken residence in one of the houses.


Places of Note[]

  • Sonya's house: Sonya's diary can be read next to her bed.
  • McDohl mansion: Pahn's diary next to his bed, Cleo's diary in her room, a picture of Ted hangs on the wall in McDohl's room.
  • Milich mansion: closets full of various outfits that Milich use to wear.


  • Gregminster is the only town in a mainstream game to appear more than once in the main series.



108 Stars
of Destiny
AlenAnjiAntonioBlackmanCamilleCleoCliveCrowleyEikeiEileenFlikFu Su LuFukienFumaFutchGenGonGremioGrensealGriffithHellionHixHumphreyJeaneJuppoKageKaiKamandolKanakKasimKasumiKesslerKimberleyKirkeKirkisKreutzKrinKuromimiKwanda RosmanLeonardoLepantLesterLiukanLorelaiLotteLucMaasMaceMeeseMegMiliaMilich OppenheimerMinaMooseMorganMosePahnPesmergaQuincyRonnieRubiSansukeSarahSergeiSheenaSonyaStallionSydoniaSylvinaTai HoTengaarTir McDohlValeriaVarkasVikiViktorWarrenYam Koo
(except in Major Battles)
AppleChandlerChapmanEsmeraldaGasparGeorgesGiovanniHugoIvanovJabbaJoshuaKasiosKun ToLedonLeonMarcoMarieMathiuMaximillianMelodyeOnilQlonRockSanchoTaggartTempletonTeslaVincentWindowZen
Temporary Playable
LeknaatSanchezBlackChief of Elf VillageChief of Dwarf VillageZorak
Scarlet Moon Empire
BarbarossaWindyTeoKrazeKanaanGradyAin Gide
Other NeclordYuber
Non-Playable MinaClaudiaKilawherKliftMichelanGeilRoshSchmidtHanzoBergenKranachAchillesDennis
GregminsterMagician's IslandRocklandLenankampSaradyKakuSeikaToran Lake Castle / Toran Castle (HQ) • KouanGreat Forest VillageGreat Forest Kobold VillageVillage of the ElvesVillage of the DwarvesTeienRikonAnteiScarleticiaKirovWarriors' VillageQlon TempleVillage of the Hidden RuneGate Rune Village
Cave of the PastDragon's DenDragon Knights' FortressDwarf TrailDwarves' VaultFloating Garden of GregminsterFortress of DuhaFortress of RakanGaran FortressGregminster PalaceKwaba FortressLiukan's HermitageLorimar FortressMoran ForestMoraviaMt. SeifuMt. TigerwolfNeclord's CastleNorthern CheckpointPannu YakutaPirates' FortressSecret FactorySeek ValleyShasarazadeSoniere
Scarlet Moon EmpireCity-States of Jowston
Armored CavalryDragon KnightsLiberation ArmyMaximillian Knights
AntoinetteBlack RuneBurning MirrorFire SpearsTrue Runes
Toran Liberation WarScarlet Moon Succession War
Army BattlesRecruitmentWalkthroughItems Dropped in Battle
Unite AttacksHeadquartersItemsItem ListSuikoden - Equipment ListRunesRune ListEnemiesUseful TipsHQ ServicesMinigamesArmy Battles in SuikodenDuelsRune PiecesWeaponsPotchHealth StatusBath ScenesCalendarGlitchesThe World of SuikodenMusics
Suikoden II
108 Stars
of Destiny
AbizboahAmadaAnitaAydaBadeauxBobBolganCamusChacoCliveEilieFeatherFlikFreedFutchGabochaGadgetGantetsuGengenGenshuGeorgGijimuHai YoHannaHauserHixHoiHumphreyKahnKarenKasumiKilleyKinnisonKoyuLo WenLong Chan-ChanLorelaiLucMazusMegMiklotovMillieMondoMukumukuNanamiNinaOulanPesmergaRikimaruRinaRiouSasukeSheenaShiloShinShiroSidSierraSigfriedSimoneStallionTai HoTengaarTomoTsaiTutaValeriaVikiViktorVincentWakabaYoshinoZamza
(except in Major Battles)
BarbaraLeonaAppleGilbertShuHuanRichmondAlexHildaAdlaiTempletonYam KooTakiHansFitcherRidley/BorisTetsuTonyEmiliaJeaneYuzuTeresaKibaKlausLebranteGordonAnnalleeConnellTenkouRauraJessMarlowePicoJudeAlbertoTessaiMaximillian
(non-Stars of Destiny)
Temporary Playable
Highland Army
LucaSeedCulganAgaresSolon JheeHan Cunningham
Other NeclordSasaraiYuberLuciaBeechamLeon
Non-Playable Marcel AtreidesRosa AtreidesElzaKoEllieGenkakuSaraAlenGrensealMarieLiukanCleoPahnEileenLepantVarkasKageShun MinJowstonRobertBernandHikusaakMarouxRevierSoldedtJuliaAlecYu KumGoetsuShikiRyukiBashokRyukoAntonioGyokuranRetsoLesterJinkaiBiancaAlen WisemailKianuDaisyDarelJoannaKentCrimsonHanzoFu Tan ChenMarcoMarxMomo
City-States of JowstonDunan RepublicHighland KingdomToran Republic
Mercenary Fortress (HQ) • Kyaro TownRyube VillageToto VillageMuse CityCoronet TownKuskus TownSouth Window CityRadat TownNorth Window Village / Dunan Castle (HQ) • Lakewest TownTwo River CityKobold VillageForest VillageGreenhill City / New Leaf AcademyRockaxe TownHighway VillageBanner VillageGregminsterRokkaku HamletDrakemouth VillageTigermouth VillageCrom VillageTinto CitySajahLycanthrope Village
Tenzan PassNorth Sparrow PassRyube ForestWhite Deer Inn / Sindar RuinsMuse-Greenhill Brdr.Muse-Highland BorderCave of the WindTwo River SewersKobold ForestGreenhill ForestPath to MatildaRakutei MountainMuse-Matilda BorderBanner PassTinto PassTinto MinesL'Renouille
ElvesHumansKoboldsHumansLycanthropesSindarVampiresWinged Horde
Blue KnightsHarmonian ArmyHighland ArmyJowston ArmyMaximillian KnightsNew State ArmyRed KnightsWhite Knights
Howling Voice Guild
Fire SpearsTrue Runes
Battle of L'RenouilleBattle of North Window CastleBattle of RadatDunan Unification WarHigheast RebellionJowston-Highland War
WalkthroughRecruitmentUnite Attack ListEnemiesTrading GuideEquipment ListItem ListUseful TipsMinigamesArmy BattlesFishing Items
Unite AttacksHeadquartersItemsRunesWeaponsHealth StatusComment BoxCalendarsHQ ServicesDuelsGlitchesBath ScenesReturning CharactersExclusive CharactersCharacters NamePotchFishing ItemsThe World of SuikodenMusics