Mt. Seifu Bandits is a group that appears in Suikoden.
A league of bandits who are based at Mt. Seifu in the central Arlus region of Toran. Originally, they were lead by the bandit chief, Gwen. During one particular raid, the Mt. Seifu Bandits attacked a traveling circus troupe. Sydonia, a member of that troupe, had a unique teleporting ability and attempted to use it to escape the attack, but Varkas, a talented and respected member of the Mt. Seifu Bandits, caught up with him and captured him. Eventually, the two became good friends.
Gwen, out of jealousy, poisoned Varkas with the help of Hudai while having a discussion. Sydonia noticed this and attacked Gwen, distracting him enough so that Varkas may kill him. The bandits then forced Hudai to prepare an antidote to cure Varkas. Varkas then became the leader of the Mt. Seifu Bandits and later appointed Sydonia co-leader.
Just prior to the Gate Rune Wars, they were accused of raiding Rockland by the mayor, Grady, so as to have an excuse for not being able to pay taxes. As a result, Tir McDohl, who was sent with an entourage consisting of; Pahn, Cleo, Ted, Kanaan and Gremio to find out why Rockland hasn't been paying taxes, went to Mt. Seifu to confront the bandits. They successfully apprehended the two leaders of the Mt. Seifu bandits, Varkas and Sydonia, whom they handed over to Grady. To complete the deception, Grady had them bound to a post to starve to death.
Later, Tir McDohl and his entourage, this time with Viktor, had untied Varkas, setting him free, after which Sydonia teleported out of his bounds. Some time after this, following Odessa Silverberg's death, the Mt. Seifu Bandits joined the Toran Liberation Army.