Oboro Detective Agency is a group that appears in Suikoden V.
A skilled detective agency formed by former Nether Gate member Oboro in order to allow two other former members, Shigure and Sagiri the chance to start a new life, after the disbandment of the assassin organisation on the orders of Arshtat Falenas. Fuyo was the first client of the agency and joined the group having been impressed with Oboro's detective skills and also unimpressed with his lack of organisational ability.
Based on a small boat, the agency was able to move from port to port making it uniquely able to operate all over Falena.
The group was hired in 449 by Lucretia Merces in order to investigate the Lordlake Rebellion two years prior.
The agency boat stayed at Rainwall during the time of the investigation.
The Oboro Detective Agency then moved to Raftfleet until Freyjadour Falenas requested the group serve in his Loyalist Army. Unable to turn a blind eye to the events sweeping Falena, Oboro agreed. However, Sagiri refused to join, her past making her unwilling to kill, no matter the cause. A chance encounter with Nakula, a man whose father Sagiri had murdered as a child, made her rethink her position and also brought out the group's troubled past to Freyjadour, who continued to accept the group as good people.
The agency proved pivotal to the Loyalist forces at times, such as when the group were able to convince the people of Doraat to throw open the gates of the city during the Godwin's battle with the Loyalist forces in order to avoid a repeat of the Lelcar burning.
Although Oboro had at first sought to escape his past, not only for his own sake but for those of his companions, as the war continued, he realised that he needed a chance to gain some sense of closure on the situation. And so, following the war, Oboro left his agency to Fuyo and left, apparently to Nagarea in order to settle things. His old rival, Raven, joined the agency in his absence and the group continues to wait for Oboro to return.