Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia

The Silver Wolf (シルバーウルフ; Shiburaa Urufu) is the final boss in Suikoden II and is the Beast Rune Incarnation.


For years, the Beast Rune was kept near the throne room in L'Renouille Palace. There, it laid dormant until Luca Blight took an interest in its power. Because this rune could have been used as a tool for war, large quantities of blood were sacrificed to the Beast Rune, making it go rampant.

When Jowy Atreides became king of Highland, he used his Black Sword Rune to hold the Beast Rune at bay until Riou and his group arrived. After going through many enemies, Riou eventually confronted Leon Silverberg, who stated that defeating the Beast Rune was his final test. After, he drew blood and dropped it onto the rune, releasing the rune incarnate, in the form of a two-headed silver wolf. In the end, it was defeated, and the rune has been missing ever since.

As A Boss[]

The boss attacks with magic attacks that do around 80-150 damage either to one character or the whole party when it was casting similar to both powers of the Bright Shield and the Black Sword Rune. The Left Leg can cast a spell that causes a plethora of status effects on the party, as well. This includes Silence, Sleep, Confusion, and Poison. Its most dangerous ability is when the boss unleashes a shining blue light coming from the Moon to deal heavy damage to the whole party.

The right leg can revive other parts that have been killed off, so it is recommended to take that one out first. Then move on to the rune as it has more powerful attacks. The remaining three can be done in any order - some prefer to take out the left leg as it can cause various status ailments.


Right Head 75 4800 300 170 85 135 87 148 0 200000
Left Head 75 4800 300 170 85 135 87 136 0 200000
Rune 75 3300 300 170 85 153 97 95 0 200000
Right Leg 75 5700 300 170 90 130 77 137 0 200000
Left Leg 75 4500 300 170 90 130 77 107 0 200000

Weaknesses, Strengths, Immunities/Resists
Part Fire Water Wind Earth Lightning Holy Dark Shield Sword Sleep Poison Death
Right Head S - S - - S - S - S S I
Left Head - S - - S - S - S S S I
Rune - - - - - - - - - I I I
Right Leg - S - S - W S W S I I I
Left Leg S - S - S S W S W I I I


