The famous "blind strategist" of Harmonia; Soldedt, a Harmonian general, lost his sight due to some nefarious treachery planned by his rival. Unable to fight on the battlefield any longer, he drifted along life unfulfilled until he learned that his hometown was suffering under the cruel rule of his rival. He convinced a handful of his faithful servants to join with him in order to stop his rival, and with them travelled to the village, which was well protected by his rival's soldiers. However, Soldedt used his superior knowledge of the terrain and climate of his home town in order to defeat his rival's forces. A series of these traps proved Soldedt's side the victor, despite the fact his enemy had severely outnumbered him.
Following this, Soldedt became a famous military strategist, and even founded an academy in order to pass on his knowledge, the Soldedt Academy of Military Science. Soldedt's school would became the most prominent institution of its kind, well known for being the best school for any budding strategist to learn his or her trade at.