Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia

Head Gear[]

Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Worn-Out Helm - 4 -
Mole Helm - 5 Mole Set Treasure chest behind the Magician in the North Cavern. Found on a corpse in Mt. Hei-Tou. Thomas 1
Old Helm 3800 6 - Brass Castle (Armor Shop). Hugo 1
Damaged Helm 8000 9 - Treasure chest behind the Chimera in the North Cavern. Brass Castle (Armor Shop). Dropped by Karaya Fighter, Lizard Fighter, Zexen Knight. Chris 2
New Helm 13000 13 -
Fine Helm 19800 18 - Vinay Del Zexay (Guild Hall) (Armor Shop) Chris 1
Blessed Helm 29800 25 -
Premier Helm 42000 33 - Vinay del Zexay (Guild Hall), Caleria (rare) (Armor Shop).

Dropped by Blue Mantik.

Custom Helm 57000 39 - Vinay Del Zexay (Guild Hall) (Armor Shop). 5
Horned Helmet - 44 Damage Skill+1 Mt. Senai (chest)/Guarded by Ghost Knight. 5
Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Worn-Out Casque - 2 -
Old Casque 2300 3 -
Damaged Casque - 5 - Treasure Chest behind the Blue Mantik on Mt. Hei-Tou All
New Casque 7200 7 -
Fine Casque 10600 12 -
Blessed Casque 14800 17 -
Guardian Casque - 20 Guardian Set, Lightning Resistance
Premier Casque 25000 24 -
Pale Moon Casque - 26 Pale Moon Set
Custom Casque 39000 32 -
Flame Casque - 36 Strength +15, Accuracy +1, Fire Resistance
Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Bandana 50 1 -
Pointy Hat 600 2 -
Tulip Hat 1600 3 Focus Skill +1
Feather Band 3600 4 Counter Skill +1
Silver Hat 6600 6 Restore 5 HP every turn
Feathered Hat 9900 8 Repel +1 Great Hollow, Le Buque (Armor Shop). Dropped by Horohoro.
Wizard Hat 14500 10 Fire Magic +1, Lightning Magic +1 Vinay del Zexay, Chisha Village (Armor Shop).
Prosperity Hat 28000 11 Find Treasure +1, Prosperity Set Chisha Village (Armor Shop, rare). Racing Game (prize). Cyndar Ruins (chest).
Crown of Destiny 30000 14 Adrenaline Power +1, Destiny Set Great Hollow (rare) (Armor Shop). Twin Snake (chest) Shop: 3-5
Chief's Hat 32000 16 クリティカルスキル+1, Stun +1
Wind Hat - 19 Speed +10, Wind Magic +1, Wind Resistance

Body Gear[]

Armor (Armor and Helmet/Japanese Armor)
Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Worn-Out Armor - 8 - Dropped by the Magician in the North Cavern Thomas 1 & 2
Mole Armor 40000 14 Mole Set
Old Armor 4000 15 -
Damaged Armor 16000 25 - Brass Castle, Caleria (Armor Shop). Dropped by Wild Boar. Chris 1
Flame Armor 38000 42 Fire Resistance
New Armor 26500 42 -
Fine Armor 54000 63 - Vinay del Zexay (Armor Shop). 5
Blood Armor 75000 70 Power +20; Skill +20; Speed +20; 15 HP damage per turn Mountain Path (chest)/Guarded by Rock Golem. Hugo 3
Armor of Rage - 90 Fire Resistance 5
Blessed Armor 99500 90 - 4-5
Premier Armor 166000 100 - Vinay del Zexay (Guild Hall) (Armor Shop). 3-4
Custom Armor 198000 111 - Vinay del Zexay (Guild Hall) (Armor Shop). 5
Windspun Armor 215000 120 Speed +15, Holy Dash +1, Wind Resistance Le Buque (Armor Shop, rare). 5
Chain Mail
Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Worn-Out Chain Mail - 6 Weak against Thrust
Old Chain Mail 1950 12 Weak against Thrust
Damaged Chain Mail 7800 18 Weak against Thrust Brass Castle, Great Hollow (Armor Shop). Chris 1
New Chain Mail 13000 29 Weak against Thrust
Byakko Chain Mail 21000 29 Weak against Thrust, Good Mobility
Old Byakko Chain Mail Flame Champion Hideaway (chest)/Guarded by Azzodess.

Mountain Path (chest)/Guarded by Stome Golem. Mountain Path (chest)/Guarded by Ghost Knight.

Mt. Senai (chest)/Guarded by Nemesis. North Cavern (chest)/Guarded by Chimera.

Earth Chain Mail - 43 Weak against Thrust, ステータス異常防止, Earth Resistance
Fine Chain Mail 44000 44 Weak against Thrust
Guardian Chain Mail 94000 45 Weak against Thrust, Guardian Set, Water Resistance
True Byakko Chain Mail 105000 69 Weak against Thrust, Good Mobility Dropped by Ghost Holly.

Mountain Path (chest)/Guarded by Ghost Knight.

Blessed Chain Mail 79000 69 Weak against Thrust
Premier Chain Mail 138000 86 Weak against Thrust
Custom Chain Mail 175000 94 Weak against Thrust
Dragon Scale Armor - 102 Continual Attack +1, Recover 10 HP each turn Mountain Path (chest)/Guarded by Twin Snake
Leather Armor
Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Worn-Out Leather - 3 -
Old Leather 1500 9 - Dropped by Megawaki.
Old Lightning Leather 2900 9 Lightning Resistance
Damaged Leather 6500 14 - Karaya Village, Brass Castle, Vinay del Zexay, Great Hollow, Le Buque (Armor Shop). Hugo 1
Lightning Leather 17500 24 Lightning Resistance Dropped by Bone Soldier.
New Leather 5500 24 - Brass Castle, Great Hollow, Caleria, Le Buque (Armor Shop).

Dropped by Wild Boar, Mantor Legionnaire, Zexen Infantryman.

Fine Leather 10600 37 -
Master's Garb 35000 46 Parry +1 Vinay del Zexay (Armor Shop, rare). Mt. Senai (chest)/Guarded by Nemesis.
Thunderbolt Leather 70000 57 Lightning Resistance Brass Castle, Great Hollow, Vinay Del Zexay (Armor Shop, rare).
Blessed Leather 50000 57 -
Pale Moon Leather - 62 Pale Moon Set Racing minigame (prize). Mt. Senai (chest)/Guarded by Ghost Knight.
Premier Leather 125000 74 -
Custom Leather 165000 82 -
True Thunderbolt Leather 170000 92 Lightning Resistance, Accuracy +10% Brass Castle, Caleria (Armor Shop, rare).
Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Worn-Out Tunic - 1 -
Old Tunic - 4 - Karaya Village (Armor Shop).
Damaged Tunic 4800 11 - Karaya Village, Vinay del Zexay, Caleria, Le Buque (Armor Shop). Hugo 1
Old Turtle Tunic 1800 4 Status Resistance Rock Golem on the Mountain Path Geddoe 3
Turtle Tunic 15000 17 Status Resistance Vinay del Zexay (Rare Find) Geddoe 1
New Tunic 8900 17 -
Fine Tunic 22000 28 -
Ninja Suit 33000 31 Speed +15 North Cavern (chest)/Guarded by Stone Golem/Ghost Knight.
Blessed Tunic 45000 48 - Vinay del Zexay, Caleria, Le Buque (Armor Shop).
Black Warrior Tunic 59000 48 Status resistance Vinay del Zexay (Armor Shop, rare).
Prosperity Tunic - 55 Potch Finder +1

Prosperity Set

Goppu minigame (prize).
Premier Tunic 94000 65 - Caleria, Chisha Village (Armor Shop). Dropped by Blight.
Custom Tunic 110000 71 -
Taikyoku Tunic - 78 Speed +10, Status Protection Mt. Hei-Tou (chest)
Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Worn-Out Robe - 2 -
Old Robe - 5 -
Old Silver Robe 1600 5 Recover 10 HP each turn
Damaged Robe 4000 10 - Caleria, Vinay del Zexay (Armor Shop). Chris 1
New Robe 7800 16 - Caleria (Armor Shop).
Silver Robe 13000 16 Recover 10 HP each turn
Fine Robe 20000 26 -
Robe of Destiny - 39 Adrenaline Power +1 , Destiny Set Mt. Senai (chest)/Guarded by Nemesis.
Blessed Robe 39000 43 - Vinay del Zexay, Caleria, Chisha Village (Armor Shop).
Silver White Robe 49000 43 Recover 15 HP each turn Chisha Village (Armor Shop, rare).

Mountain Path (chest)/Guarded by Twin Snake.

Robe of Mist 62000 50 Repel Magic 10%, Water Resistance North Cavern (chest)/Guarded by Ghost Knight/Stone Golem.
Premier Robe 75000 60 -
Custom Robe 89000 67 -
Dream Robe - 83 50% chance to negate physical attacks Mountain Path (chest)/guarded by Twin Snake.


Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Wooden Shield - 2
Iron Shield 2500 7 Vinay del Zexay, Brass Castle (Armor Shop).
Mole Shield 22000 9 Mole Set Le Buque (Armor Shop, rare).

Mountain Path (chest)/Guarded by Twin Snake.

Kite Shield 4300 12 Brass Castle, Vinay del Zexay (Armor Shop).
Mangosh - 19 Defense +19; Counter +50% Brass Castle (Armor Shop, rare). Dropped by Peckles.

Mt. Senai (chest)/Guarded by Nemesis. North Cavern (chest)/Guarded by Chimera.

Guardian Shield - 22 Guardian Set. Wind Resistance +1 Vinay del Zexay (Guild Hall) (Armor Shop, rare). Goppu minigame (prize).
Silver Shield - 27 Recover 5 HP each turn, Fire Resistance, Lightning Resistance Brass Castle War Battle (Victory prize).
Chaos Shield 17000 34 Shield Defending +1 Brass Castle, Vinay del Zexay (Guild Hall) (Armor Shop, rare).

Mt. Senai (chest)/Guarded by Ghost Knight. Mt. Hei-Tou (chest)

Earth Shield - 36 Status Protect, Earth Resistance Cyndar Ruins (chest). Mountain Path (chest)/Guarded by Twin Snake.


Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Gloves 150 1 - Karaya Village, Vinay del Zexay (Armor Shop).
Mole Gloves - 3 Mole Set Great Hollow (Armor Shop, rare). Goppu minigame (prize).
Gauntlets 1800 5 - Brass Castle, Vinay Del Zexay, Great Hollow, Le Buque (Armor Shop).

Dropped by Peckles.

Power Gloves 4500 8 - Brass Castle, Great Hollow, Le Buque, Vinay del Zexay (Armor Shop).

Dropped by Ghost Armor.

Gloves of Destiny 8000 9 Destiny Set Caleria (rare) (Armor Shop). Goppu minigame (prize).
Engraved Gauntlets 15500 12 - Brass Castle, Caleria, Le Buque, Vinay del Zexay (Armor Shop).
Iron Fists 20000 15 - Great Hollow, Caleria (Armor Shop).
Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Wooden Shoes - 1 -
Sandals 800 3 - Karaya Village, Vinay Del Zexay (Armor Shop).
Boots 2800 7 - Brass Castle, Vinay del Zexay, Le Buque (Armor Shop).
Leather Pumps 5500 10 - Caleria, Chisha Village (Armor Shop).
Wing Boots 10200 14 - Vinay del Zexay, Brass Castle, Le Buque (Armor Shop).
Iron Boots 17000 18 - Brass Castle, Vinay del Zexay, Le Buque (Armor Shop).

Dropped by Ghost Knight, Harmonian Soldier.

Iron Heel Shoes 19000 20 - Caleria (Armor Shop).
Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Fire Magic Ring - 4 Fire Magic +1 Flame Champion Hideaway (chest)/Guarded by Azzodess.
Water Magic Ring - 4 Water Magic +1 Flame Champion Hideaway (corpse).
Wind Magic Ring - 4 Wind Magic +1 Dropped by Luc.
Earth Magic Ring - 4 Earth Magic +1 Mt. Hei-Tou (chest)/Guarded by Blue Mantik.
Lightning Magic Ring - 4 Lightning Magic +1 Mountain Path (chest)/Guarded by Rock Golem. Racing minigame (prize).
Resistance Ring - 2 Magic Resistance +1 Goppu minigame (prize for winning 5000 potch). Mountain Path (chest)/Guarded by Ghost Knight.
Reflection Ring - 5 Magic Repel +1 Dropped by Yuber.
Counter Ring - 3 Counter-Attack +1 1st War Battle (victory prize).
Evasion Ring - 2 Repel +1 War Battle at Great Hollow.
Chain Attack Ring - 5 Consecutive Attacks +1 Mt. Senai (chest)/Guarded by Ghost Knight.
Prosperity Ring 52000 4 Potch Finder +1 Chisha Village (Item Shop, rare).
Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Star Pierce 400 1 Recover 5 HP each turn Vinay Del Zexay (Guild Hall) (Item Shop). Chisha Village (Armor Shop).
Sun Badge 1200 2 Recovers 2 HP each turn. Iksay Village (Item Shop). Chisha Village (Armor Shop).
Belt of Strength 1800 3 Power +5 Caleria (Armor Shop). Brass Castle, Vinay Del Zexay (Item Shop).
Fish Badge 2900 4 Repel Magic +5% Vinay del Zexay (Item Shop). Dropped by Blue Svire.

Duck Village (Lottery prize).

Feather Earrings 2300 4 Speed +5 Caleria (Item Shop). Dropped by Chimera.
Blue Ribbon 13000 5 Reduces chances from being targeted. Female characters only. Duck Village (Item Shop, rare). Goppu minigame (prize).
Gold Emblem 4400 6 Magic Resistance +1. Male characters only. Brass Castle (Armor Shop). Vinay del Zexay (Guild Hall) (Item Shop, rare). Mt. Hei-Tou (corpse). Dropped by Yuber.
Water Amulet 3800 5 Water Resistance Duck Village, Alma Kinan (Item Shop). Dropped by Blue Svire.
Wind Amulet 5600 6 Wind Resistance Vinay del Zexay, Le Buque, Chisha Village, Alma Kinan (Item Shop). Dropped by Blight.
Lightning Amulet 8600 7 Lightning Resistance Brass Castle (Item Shop). Dropped by Tarantula.
Flame Amulet 10100 9 Fire Resistance Chisha Village (Armor Shop). Vinay del Zexay (Guild Hall) (Item Shop).
Pale Moon Necklace 12000 8 Pale Moon Set Le Buque (Item Shop, rare). Racing minigame (prize).
Yellow Scarf 16000 10 Status protection Vinay del Zexay (Item Shop).
Name Price Defense Notes Obtained Chapters
Silver Beak 1400 5 Power +10. Duck Clan only Duck Village (Armor Shop).
Gold Beak 29000 12 Speed +15. Duck Clan only Duck Village (Item Shop, rare). Dropped by Chimera. Mt. Hei-Tou (chest)/Guarded by Blue Mantik.
Blade Tail Ornament 1800 6 Skill +10. Lizard Clan only. Great Hollow (Item Shop). Dropped by Chimera.
Dragon Tail Ornament 40000 20 Fire Resistance. Lizard Clan only. Great Hollow (Item Shop, rare). Mountain Path (chest)/Guarded by Twin Snake.
Rose Brooch 6000 12 Swing +1. Augustine Nabor only. Iksay Village (Item Shop, rare).
White Rose Brooch 38000 18 Swing +2. Augustine Nabor only. Caleria (Item Shop, rare). North Cavern (chest)/Guarded by Stone Golem/Ghost Knight.
Lion God Ring 34000 17 Speed +20. Gau (Suikoden III) only. Chisha Village (Item Shop, rare).