Suikoden Wikia
Suikoden Wikia
SG - Wooden Kobold Figurine

The Wooden Kobold Figurine is a story object in Genso Suikogaiden Vol. 1.


It is a wooden figurine in a shape of a Kobold that hold some mysterious power, it is said to have been infused with the holy power of the Kobolds. It belongs to one of the boys of a Kobold Family that Nash meet earlier on. The boys were fighting each other and the statue was thrown away as a result, Nash catched it, and handed it back at the order of Sierra (as a vampire she reacted to its holy power). Later in the manor, during his fight against Ayana, who is also a vampire, Nash found the clothes and belongings of the Kobold family that Ayana killed, he then took the statue and struck Ayana with it, killing her in process.
